
So why am I here, anyway?

I've never thought of myself as a blogger. The word "blogger" conjures visions of two types of people in my mind: the geeky dude in a dimly lit basement, hunched over a laptop, typing out conspiracy theories and contradicting the mainstream media; and the hip twenty-something sporting oversized tortoiseshell glasses and an adorable tattoo and posting a plethora of outfit photos and cocktail recipes. (I realize that's terribly unfair.) Don't get me wrong...I am a sucker for a good conspiracy theory and cute outfits, and I'd call up Warby Parker in a heartbeat if I ever had a less-than-normal eye exam. And I may or may not have a secret Pinterest board of tattoos. However, whenever the subject of blogging has come up in conversation, I've gone on about how I'm way too scattered to be one of those "bloggers," how I don't enjoy taking pictures enough to be a legit blogger, and how about I'd rather be doing stuff than blogging about doing stuff. 


I am planning to start blogging regularly. Here's why:

1) I want to document our adventures. And, boy, is this a year for adventures. (I've also started to enjoy taking pictures. :))

2) I want to post cute pictures of my adorable baby. I'm sorry, but it's true. I especially want our scattered family and friends to be able to keep up with us outside of Facebook. 

3) I've been doing some fun stuff, and sometimes it might be worth sharing. If I can share something creative I'm working on, and it gives someone else the spark to try something out of the ordinary, then I think that's worth the investment of time it takes to post it.

4) This is where is gets kinda weird. Bear with me here. I've embarked on a mission to help Sam grow his brain. For the last year, I have been geeking out over early brain development and how baby brains work, and the potential in the ideas I've been studying is very, very exciting. The basic idea behind it all is that the brain grows by use, and the younger you are, the faster it grows...and that there are tangible things you can do to help the little brains out in the process. So. I want to try some things out and then blog about our adventures and progress in areas like crawling, visual development, and listening. You might totally disagree with everything I'm saying, or conclude that I'm out of my mind, and that's okay! But I really want to say it anyway, in hopes that it will spark good conversation and maybe be helpful to someone somewhere. And I think it will challenge me to articulate what I'm doing and why. For those reasons, I am creating a tag on this blog called Baby Brain. 

Here's what I am NOT planning to do:

1) Be tied down to one theme or agenda. If I want to post a cocktail recipe one day and a conspiracy theory the next [month] and a discourse on the vestibular system the next...well, I will. Feel free to skip the posts that make your eyes glaze over, and just look at the cute pictures of Sam. :)

2) Post incessantly. 

3) Post selfies. Well...maybe one or two. 

Cool? Cool.

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